Yes, there is suffering involved either way. I know of this personally. My birth certificate says white. My DNA test says I have ancestors who passed, and now I know why I cringe at mirrors and feel like I don't belong anywhere. My family is fractured into factions and some of us havn't seen or spoken to each other in years. I'm not sure if it would be worse if I were autistic and Black. Certainly, white mainstream society would treat me even worse than it does now. On the other hand, perhaps my own people would be more accepting toward me. One thing I've noticed -- Black people love each other!
With DNA testing, many so-called white people may find out that they are not as white as they thought. If and when reparations comes through, these may be first in line to apply. Should they get reparations?
If their birth certificates say white, I think not. Whiteness is defined by others' perceptions. I have problems, but they are not made worse by the color of my skin. Reparations are for people whose problems are made worse by the color of their skin and its connection with the legacy of slavery.