Yes, I have had experiences similar to yours. I don't want to go into detail on a public forum but I can answer yes to many of your questions.
It sounds like your husband had some personality issues. Mine did also. However, I don't judge an entire community based on the actions of one maladjusted man. There are plenty of white men with issues also. In fact, I've had far more bad experiences with white people bullying and marginalizing me because I'm autistic. With only a handful of exceptions, Black people have been very kind and gracious toward me. Likewise with Indigenous people. Maybe this is because I'm autistic -- many traditional peoples treat neurodiverse people with great kindness and respect because they see us as touched by God.
Everybody has different experiences. I'm sorry yours were bad. I hope you can come to realize that your husband's personality disorders do not reflect on his entire Nation, any more than white people's do.