Yeah, I remember the like a prayer video. I was raised very strict traditional Roman Catholic and I thought it was pretty gross. Some people gave her a pass because she was also raised Catholic but I think that made matters worse. She knew what she was desecrating but she did it anyway, just for attention. Although some other traditions may blend sex with religion, this is strictly forbidden in the Catholic tradition. And all Catholics know this.
Another thing forbidden in Catholic tradition is selling or profiting from sacred actions or items. Granted, the church did this a lot from medieval times to the Protestant Reformation, but in the early church, as well as in current practice, this is considered sacrilege.
I'm pantheist now -- I no longer practice Catholicism because all the contradictions and hypocrisy messed up my head too much. But the prohibitions against sexualizing or monetizing sacred items and actions makes sense to me so I honor those prohibitions.
In fact, I think the traditional prohibiiton against monetizing or sexualizing sacred things doesn't go far enough. Humans are sacred. The Earth is sacred. All life is sacred. The Catholic disregard of these sacred things is a big part of why the church is so evil.