Yeah, autistic people can legally drive if we can pass the written and performance tests. I can pass the written test just fine, but have never been able to pass the performance test, because my coordination is off (dyspraxia.)* This despite spending a lot of time and money on driving lessons, practicing, and test fees.
Eventually I accepted the idea that I'm just not meant to drive. I figure I'm doing a public service -- one less dangerously inept driver on the road adding to the obscene number of traffic deaths in the USA. (Common knowledge has it that a fairly large proportion of USA drivers are unqualified, unliscensed, and uninsured. Apparently, many people feel that their convenience is more important than their neighbors' lives.)
Here in the USA, public transportation sucks, so not being able to drive is a major hinderance. However, I can't complain too much, because I know that I'm better off than a Black person who is autistic, dyspraxic, and unable to drive.
I wish I could make my people see that, no matter how bad a white individual may have it, their situation would be worse if they were in similar circumstances while Black. It's like I'm speaking Martian while banging my head against the wall.
*Dyspraxia is the medical term for clumsiness, and is a common co-morbidity with autism.
PS -Thanks for the link, I just checked it. Yeah, autistic people can legally drive if we can overcome all the hinderances listed in the article. And many people here in the USA drive even though they're not supposed to, because it's generally considered a necessity here. But with my coordination the way it is, I couldn't live with myself if I made a mistake and killed someone.