Word up!
The other day I was in the park, playing the guitar and singing my fool heart out, Leonard Cohen's Hallejujah.
A couple fluffy white kids came along and interrupted. (Not cool to do to a musician who's practicing, but not many non-musicians know this.) At first I thought they needed something. Then they asked if I believed in God, if I knew Jesus, yes to all that.
Then they asked if I go to church. I'm a panthiest, always in church, so I said yes. Where is your church, they said? Right here, I replied. After a little more back and forth they asked me if I'd like to come to their church and learn more about the Bible and God's plan.
I'm a bit slow, it wasn't till then that I caught on to their angle. Religion trolls. I said, "I been round the block a dozen times, got a pile of t-shirts. Paid lifetime dues for me myself and all my family too. I can't go to church. I got OCD and organized religion makes me crazy! I just go by the Red Letters. If it's not in the Red Letters I don't worry about it. Jesus said he's got other sheep, you just met one!"
They didn't know what to say to that. They listened wide-eyed and slack-jawed till I was done with my rant. Then they bade me good day and backed slowly away. Good riddance!