There are hints of this in the Bible and in the books banned from the Bible. In the book of Enoch, the infant Noah is described as having fair skin and red hair, "like the sons of god (ET's)"
Moreover, Jared Diamond in Guns Germs and Steel suggests that the people of South-central Eurasia lucked out by having a good assortment domesticatable grasses (grains) and animals in the vicinity, as well as a continental layout that made it easy to migrate across the Eurasian continent. A few genetic mutations in that region for light skin and smooth hair (Or ET interference?) coincided with the advent of totalitarian agriculture, and the rest is history.
Put all this together with the racism that was created by the ruling class as a way to keep the rest of us divided against each other and promoted through the churches, and we got the mess we're in now.
As a result of systemic racism, White people are socialized to have less empathy toward people of other colors. Or maybe that's part of the ET interference as well, who knows?
We White folks have got to examine ourselves and root out these tendencies. The survival of all humanity and all life on this planet is at stake.
As for the Twitter stuff -- people posting on social media often forget that anyone can read it, and it stays around indefinitely. People gotta vent, but venting in public is not always the wisest course of action.