The Bible isn't true, that is, inerrant. It was written by a number of human beings over several millennia. It has some truth in it however it is not inerrant because it contains many contradictions. Nothing humans do is inerrant.
I'm raised Christian, now I'm a Red-Letter Panthiest. Jesus was a very popular Jewish scholar and he addressed these contradictions by stating the Golden Rule -- love God with all your heart and your neighbor as yourself. He did not originate the Golden Rule; it exists in various forms in Jewish tradition as well as in many other traditions throughout the world.
There are a handful of scriptural texts denouncing same-sex activity. There are far more scriptural texts denouncing greed injustice and oppression and it seems that the bible thumpers who want to define gay folks as evil have very little to say about these texts.
Jesus said nothing about same-sex love. In fact, by some interpretations, he healed the same-sex partner of a Roman centurial. The translated text usually refers to this partner as "a servant whom the centurion loved very much." However, the original Greek referred to the centurion's servant as "pais," which meant the junior partner in a same-sex relationship. The Roman legionnaires were often "gay for the stay." believing that this is how an older man transmits his powers to a younger man. See link below. Jesus commended the centurion for his faith. He said nothing about the centurion's relationship with his "servant."
There's been a lot of analysis of the handful of texts denouncing same-sex activity and I encourage you to look these up and read them.