Thanks for your reply!
Like many autistic folks, my gender identity is ... complicated. If I were a member of an indigneous community I would probably be considered a Two-Spirit. (I like that term a lot, it describes exactly how I feel. But don't use it to describe myself because I'm not a member of an indigneous community so calling myself that would be cultural appropriation.)
I disclosed that I'm female-bodied because otherwise a devout Rastafarian reader may read me as male (due to my screen name and vibe) and detect a homoerotic subtext to the vision I related. They would then find this very objectionable! So I disclosed my physical gender out of consideration for those sensibilities.
I've been thinking of your other article, about Spanish youth adopting some aspects of the Rasta way. If they do this, they need to be conscious of Edom's role in Israel's redemption. (Europeans and their descendants are generally understood to be seed of Esau aka Edom.) There are passages in the Bible about this, that Israel must not despise Esau / Edom because they are brothers. And that a remnant of Edom will return to Jah, and serve Israel. This attitude of loving service, out of love for Jah, is key to proper relations among the nations. I'll probably go over to that article and expand on this idea some.
I remember when I had my locs, certain Rastas often asked me about my ancestry. They seemed particularly interested in whether I had any Spanish, Italian, or Jewish ancestry. When I told them that I did, this helped. This is in relation to what you said of the Twelve Tribes Mansion, that they go by bloodlines.