Thanks for writing this article. You have some great ideas especially for white folks who have a lot of money. However, there are things that white folks can do even if we don't have a lot of money -- we can give our time and talents to Black people. I don't have a whole heck of a lot of money -- being an autistic artist doesn't pay much -- however, I have a great many intangible resources such as health, education, academic aptitude, and various talents. My pale skin gives me a pass on many issues, and my eccentricity gives me another pass. I can pass these passes along.
So if a Black person needs something from me that I ordinarly charge for, I do it for free. For example, recently I created a backup instrumental track for a local Black singer to use for her coming-out-of-retirement performance. On the other hand, if a Black person does something for me that they ordinarily charge for, I pay them double the asking price. For example, when a Black neighbor helped me move he asked for $50 for his labor and I paid him $100.
If anyone asks why I am doing this, I don't say for reparations, because it seems so paltry and puny. I just say, I've been blessed so I pass the blessings along.
Yet another thing white folks can do is to forego the larger salaries one can make in the private sector, and choose an occupation in public service that addresses Black people's needs. This is why I work for just a tad above minimum wage as a math tutor for my local community college instead of making 5 to 10x that much as a private tutor to rich folk's kids.
Sorry if this sounds like bragging, I am saying these things as examples that many white folks can follow, even those of us of modest means.