Thanks for this wakeup call. I've reposted this message on Facebook and resolve to pay attention to and speak out on this issue. If we can stand with our Muslim and Asian friends against hate crimes despite abuses by their associated foreign governments, we can stand with our Jewish friends as well no matter what's going on in the Mideast.
It's like this. Many of us here in the USA were embarrassed, disgusted, and horrified by the actions of our government during the previous presidential administration. Yet-- judging from what I've seen in social media over the past few years -- ordinary people overseas bore little or no malice toward ordinary US citizens. Instead, they felt bad for us -- like feeling bad for a friend who became ill or who fell into an abusive relationship. Our friends overseas held hope and looked forward to his ouster and our recovery. They knew that the problem with our government had nothing to do with our worth as human beings.
Let's do the same for our Jewish friends, now.