Thanks for this message.
Many of us white folks think we're not racist because we don't consciously hate Black folks. But that's ignoring the unconscious biases that we all pick up, simply by being raised in this society. These biases then lead to the whole gamut of racism, from micro-agressions to murder and everything in between.
Biases do the worst damage when they are unconscious, lurking in the backs of our minds until they unexpectedly burst forth in a cringey gaffe -- or a murder! White supremacy feeds on these biases -- recognize and challenge them, and starve the beast!
Here's a good resource, from Dr. David Campt, "The Dialogue Guy," who also writes here on Medium:
An important part of the work is to uncover and challenge the biases in oneself. Too many of us well-meaning white folks are all too willing to call-out racism in others, without first examining our own biases. Self-accounting can preclude the obnoxious, ineffective, and all too common "woker than thou" vibe that stinks up the Left. Racism is a plague on our society and we all got the virus. Even BIPOC folks are not immune. Like Michael Jackson said -- let's start with the person in the mirror.
Check it out. for a better world ...