Thanks for this great history lesson about the great Frederick Douglass. I can believe it. I'm from New Orleans and know something about High John Root.
Whether the root has any innate power or its power is in the placebo effect -- it had the power to remind Douglass of his resolution to fight and to no longer be a slave.
As anyone who does this work knows, the real magick is in the mind. Yet, most of us need tangible reminders to make the magick real. These reminders ground us in our beliefs and reassure us that we're on the right path. And who knows, maybe the root has power in itself to help a man be the man he is meant to be. Douglass was skeptical at first, yet the root worked.
In the words of the Late Great Bob Marley --
Emancipate yourself from mental slavery
None but ourselves can free our minds
Thanks again! Following.