Thanks for this great article honoring Jordan Neely. The lack of empathy in this situation is staggering. Like I said in a recent tribute posted here on Medium:
Was there no one there with a lunch to share?
Was there no one there with a kindly ear?
Was there no one there with eyes to see
That Jordan Neely could be you or me?
That's right -- you or me. Queer Aspie Euro-mutt me. These vigilante wanna-bes are ready to kill anyone who doesn't look, pray, love, or vote like them. Black folks get the worst of it yet anyone who does not fit their idea of "Real American" is fair game these days. The mad red-hatters all know they can just say they fear for their lives and get away with murder.
This stuff really gets to me because I'm autistic and they say autistic folks lack empathy. But many a time I've offered food, water, and a kindly ear to street folks in distress, because that's what I'd want done for me if I was in that spot. Meanwhile, so-called "normal" folks shake their heads and say that the homeless and drug-addicted folks that live on our street have somehow chosen that 'lifestyle." Sorry, don't mean to be bragging, just saying that if I -- a supposedly empathy-less autistic person -- can scrape up a bit of heart for a street person in distress, why can't so-called "normal" people do this? What the h*** is wrong with us?
I've heard that when P and company killed Jordan Neely, the crowd erupted in cheers. Makes me wonder, were there any Black people on that subway car? Did they cheer also?
And this big tough former Marine feared for his life because a pitiful little Black guy who can channel Michael Jackson was calling out his pain.
Feared for his life my a**