Thanks for the comment, and, yes indeed! The first and fourth amendments are so rotted-out by now, we’ve slipped into a full-blown authoritarian state right out there for all to see, and 40% of the US population thinks that’s perfectly fine! So I totally support the demilitarization of the police, and the redirection of police funds toward community-based restoration measures. In other words, “Defund the Police.” This could even be part of Reparations!
Unfortunately, there’s a huge language gap going on here. Activists and academics are talking one language, and the rest of us talking several other languages depending on our race and class. I think that’s how the Left is shooting ourselves in the foot so I’m working on fixing that. To avoid tone-policing, I generally stick to addressing my comments only to other white folks. It would be great if we could get lots of white folks — and their votes! — on board to support Civil Rights like we did back in the ‘60’s and like what started to happen last summer. I think working on the language gap is key. For instance, when I talk with other white folks, I don’t say “Defund the Police” because they think that means a total and instant stop to all civil peace-keeping functions. Instead I say what I said up there, and they agree! I’ve even had that conversation with a cop or two and they agree!
Then they say, “If that’s what ya’ll mean, why don’t ya’ll say it that way?” And then I say, I don’t write the slogans and I don’t tell Black folks what to say and how to say it. I’m just an old hippie, working from my corner on my people.
Thanks again for your input. Still trying to figure out how to say this stuff without tone policing and there’s no time left to lose. So your comment is much appreciated. None of us are free till everyone is free!
Peace out — Justin Olhipi