Thanks for reminding us of this. Land theft, genocide, and slavery are the original sins of the USA. This is why, when I get cold calls from "rent to own" outfits, I tell them, "No thank you. This entire country is built on stolen land. I'm not interested in buying stolen property."
For the same reason, I would never live in Oklahoma or in the Upper Midwest -- Native land under the Treaty of Fort Laramie.
Yeah, I know that southern Arizona -- where I currently live -- was stolen from the Apache and the Tohono O'odham people, who are still very much present here. The apartment I live in is rented from someone who bought stolen land. (The owner of the complex where I live is a first-generation USA-ian from Nigeria.) This is problematic also but the alternative is to live nowhere -- that is, suicide. And suicide (with certain specific exceptions) is frowned upon in most ethical systems. So I do what I can --walk lightly, speak up, and educate those who look like me.