I know your initial post was not directed toward me. I responded out of solidarity.
I'm a survivor, and have known many other survivors. Generally, survivors see it as support for offenders when someone intrudes into a survivor's story to explain the differences between different forms of atypical chronophilia.
I'm glad you don't comment on this matter often. Some people make a practice of making comments like yours in context to a survivor's story, and it's a very bad look. It looks like you're defending people who take advantage of power differentials in relationships.
Ideally, intimate relationships should be between consenting partners on equal footing (with the exception of power-exchange play between consenting partners in the kink community.) A mature adult and a teen cannot be on equal footing because the teen's brain is not yet fully developed.
If you wrote a stand alone article to explain the differences between different forms of atypical chronophilia I would have no problem with that. But piggybacking on a survivor's story to educate people about legal and medical terms is not likely to go over too well.
Thanks for listening.