Thank you.
I read a review of that film and felt angry and disgusted. Not so much at the human trafficking portrayed, but at the scapegoating of Chicano folks and the white savior narrative. I knew this film would become very popular in certain circles and be used to push the white christian nationalist narrative that's getting crammed down our collective throats. In this article you've done a great job putting the outrage I felt into words.
I already knew a thing or two about human trafficking, having been trafficked myself when I fell into a religious cult some time back. I know that there are an awful lot of trafficked people here in the USA, and that most of the victims are brown while most of the perps are white.
Recently I picked up a little flier from Truckers Against Trafficking, which describes warning signs of trafficking and tells how to respond and how to report. It’s very small, about the size of a business card, handy to keep in one’s wallet. There's some good info in that flier, although I'm not sure if it would be a good idea to question the victim as the flier suggests. The hotline number in the USA is 1-888-3737-888. In Canada, 1-888-900-1010, In Mexico, 01800-5533-000. The website is There's also a phone app that one can download from that site.