Thank you!
Veganism is a luxury afforded to some folks thanks to the industrial revolution of the past few centuries and the agricultural revolution, about 10000 years ago. Before that, we all ate whatever we could get. We all knew first-hand that in order for us to eat and live, something else has to die. That's why traditional peoples all over the world offer thanks and blessings for their food.
A vegan former coworker often pressured me to become vegan also. She has a car and works full time on salary. I lack a car, can't drive due to autistic dyspraxia, and work part time for just a tad over minimum wage.
She can drive to specialty groceries and spend as much as she wants on food. When I go to the grocery it's an all-day affair, getting there and back on foot or bus, and checking prices carefully while dealing with the sensory overload and social anxiety that comes with autism.
Gardening in the city is more expensive than going to the grocery, what with irrigation and soil conditioning on such a small scale. I know, I tried. Community gardens are nice if that works for you, it doesn't work for everyone.
With her car, she doesn't have to spend hours just getting around so she has time to cook. Not so for me.
When she gets hungry while on the road, she's in a car so she can find a grocery or maybe even a proper vegan restaurant. When I get hungry on the road I'm on foot so I stop in at a convenience store or fast food place if I have the money, or nibble on local forage such as mesquite pods or dandelion flowers if I don't.
And I'm a Euro-mutt living in a city in the USA. How much harder it is for Black or Brown folks living elsewhere!
So eat whatever I got, while offering thanks and blessings. We all have to live, and sooner or later we all have to die.