Thank you.
I haven't read -White Fragility- and I don't intend to. Neither do I recommend it to anyone else. I'd rather read works by real Black people. James Baldwin, Alice Walker, Malcolm X, Tony Morrison, Octavia E. Butler, Chauncey Devega are a few of my favorites, as well as some great Black writers here such as @Dark Sky Lady and @Marley K.
I've seen a video or two by DiAngelo and all I got from it was that I should hate myself and I should be afraid to open my mouth around Black folks as well as around all other people of color. Not sure how it does any good to get well-meaning white folks who may indeed be up to the task of undoing racism where it counts -- at the corporate bottom line -- and coax us to crawl into our closets for yet another round of self-flagellation. Isn't that where the powers that be want us to be? Fighting and hating ourselves and each other while they continue to siphon off our our blood toil sweat and tears into their numbered offshore bank accounts?
Any white folks out there want to read something solid? Something that will point us in the right direction to understand racism, where it comes from, how it affects our society today, and how to undo racism for real?
Here's a good start. The Case for Reparations by Ta-Nehisi Coates. Check it out ...