Thank you!!!!
As I understand it, the UN took land away from Palestine to create Israel. They did this because they said Jews needed a homeland.
It makes me wonder why the UN doesn't enforce the treaties that the USA made with the Indigenous people (e.g., Treaty of Ft. Laramie, which ceded the Northwest quadrant of the US to the Natives, or the "40 acres and a mule" promised to survivors of slavery.) For that matter, why not take Tibet from China and give it back to the Tibetans? Why not give the Ainu of Japan a homeland? And what about the Roma? Do they want a homeland?
The only reason I can think of is religious. In the Bible, there's a promise from their god that he will bless those who bless Israel and curse those who curse Israel. Thus, the UN is basing its actions on the sacred writings of particular religions. Why are these writings so sacred? Do other traditions have scriptures to the effect that some other displaced people are supposed to have a specific piece of land? Why doesn't the UN enforce these scriptures like it enforces the Bible?
I get tarred and feathered as an Anti-Semite for raising questions like these. But I don't hate anyone. All I'm saying is that there are thousands of displaced peoples who have endured persecution over very long times. Why is Israel privileged among all displaced peoples?