Sure I'm racist. I was brought up around hate speech at the dinner table, forbidden to talk to Black classmates, grounded when I got a crush on a Black guy, never saw Black folks on TV except as servants or antagonists, etc. And my experiences growing up and getting brainwashed with racism are probably very common.
Only thing that prevented me from becoming a complete a-hole was recognizing racism by analogy with the ableism and sexism I encounter as an autistic and female-bodied person.
I know I got a racist bone in my body so I do my best to challenge and overcome these tendencies. The first step to solving a problem is to recognize it.
Too many white people think racism is a character flaw and they're too good to have such a flaw. THat's where they're wrong. Racism is a consequence of being raised in a racist society. It's like being wet because you got caught in the rain.