same here, white and leery. I’m old enough to remember thalidomide, and cigarettes being advrtised as healthy. The system has a long track record of priorizing money over human lives, especially BIPOC lives, all the way back to the smallpox blankets. So I can only imagine how leery BIPOC folks are.
I’ve taken other vaccines but I’m leery of this one because of how fast it was developed and how politicized it’s all been here in the USA. There’s a saying in engineering: you can have it good, fast, or cheap, pick two out of three.
I’ve read about how the vaccines were developed, this is the first large scale rollout of a technology about 10 years old. So it’s not quite as fast as it seems, since the background work was 10 years in the making. Even so, proper testing takes time, and we haven’t taken that time, as I see it. Now health care workers, who are predominately BIPOC females, are getting it first, which looks to me like they’re getting pressed into service as guinea pigs so to speak.