Redbeans n Rice n Ramadan
It was Monday, I’m from New Orleans, and I wanted some redbeans n rice. (Pronounced re’beans, the d is silent.) So I went to Popeye’s, a fast food chain that started in New Orleans and serves New Orleans-inspired food. They have some awesome redbeans n rice, a classic dish traditionally served on Mondays. Back in the day, Monday was wash day. People would put a big pot of beans with a hunk of salt pork to simmer on the back of the stove, while boiling water on the main eye for the wash. Put on the rice while doing the last load. End of the day, wash would be done, and dinner would be ready. I was in Arizona and craved a taste of home.
It was also Ramadan. This didn’t stop me. I’m a pantheist, so I’m not subject to any religious or dietary rules. Before that, I was raised Catholic, dropped it once I made 18 because all those ritual rules made me crazy. Now, my only rule is to honor God In All. However, the woman behind the counter was wearing a headscarf. I guessed that she was Muslim and felt bad for her, having to work around food during Ramadan, and having to handle pork. Most things there — the biscuits, the fried chicken, etc. — are made with lard, that’s what gives the authentic flavor. I ordered my redbeans n rice anyhow. In doing so, I failed to honor God in Her.
It was off-hours, the place was short-staffed. She went in the food prep area in the back, then after a few minutes wait she returned to the front area and handed me the bag.
I looked in the bag. The carton was upside down and had not been sealed. The food was spilled all over the inside of the bag. Served me right, for ordering pork from a Muslim during Ramadan.
I took the bag, mumbled an apology, and took the food outside. Sat on the curb, made a prayer for the souls of the pig, the rice, and the beans, and another for the woman who had served me the food. Ramadan Mubarak. May her fast go easy, may her prayers be heard. Scooped the mess out of the bag with the flimsy plastic spork that came with. Ate it. It tasted fine.
Won’t be doing that again.