Recently I've found that I have no tolerance for intolerance.
For example, I attended a drum-enhanced prayer circle. During the talk time, a woman there expounded on conspiracy theories and made comments opposing body autonomy. Afterward, I tried to talk with her about this and an older woman butted in to gaslight me into silence. I resolved not to go back.
Another example - I'm studying music at my local community college. One of the instructors insulted me and accused me of lying. I tried to discuss these matters with her and she shut me down. So now I avoid her.
When I hear people spouting misinformation that can lead to harm, I disengage from them. I've found that refuting them does no good, it just makes us both angry. I've tried to engage respectfully, ask them why they feel that way, but then I become angry when they simply quote stuff they heard or read in social media.
I feel bad for avoiding these situations. I feel like I should be seeing these people as pure souls playing a role. We are all one. They are all just different versions of me, here to teach me and help me grow. I should be interacting with them accordingly. But right now, I just can't.
Thoughts? Thanks.