re: "Every time they hear of a black or hispanic person doing something wrong it adds to that tally. A white person doing something wrong doesn’t add anything to the group tally of white people because white people don’t believe in ‘white people’, they recognize their own humanity as distinct from their race, and so white people remain blameless in their own eyes. "
Are you White*? If so, please say "we" instead of "they." When "woke" White folks speak of the rest of us as "they", that's other-ing. We're supposed to be educating each other, and blaming and shaming each other is not conducive to this. Instead, try this:
*I capitalize White for a similar reason to why Black is usually capitalized in this context. Both words refer not to color, but to culture. Black is a culture. So is White. It's helpful to thos work to recognize that White is a culture, with customs and rituals and so forth, as opposed to a norm that everyone's supposed to conform to.