Now it seems to be a derogatory way that the Right refers to any suggestion that Black people and other marginalized peoples deserve human rights and human dignity.
I had this conversation with a conservative relative, he was complaining about "woke idiots" who criticized him for walking his dog when the weather was hot. So I asked him, "do you know what 'woke' means?" He stumbled and mumbled something about demon-cats getting nosy into other people's business, forcing him to walk on eggs around Black people and accept "men in dresses."
I told him that it originally meant Black people being aware of white supremacy. He didn't know that, and shifted over to speechifying that racism would go away if people would just stop paying attention to it. After all -- Candace Owens and Morgan Freeman said so, and they're Black!
SMH ... How do you even reason with people like this? I keep at it because I know it's my duty. But it's like trying to talk with someone from a different universe, where truth is whatever TFG says, and different laws of physics apply.