Nice try. You reached him human to human, and that's a good start. But he still needs to learn that "my way or the highway" doesn't work -- unless you happen to be filthy rich and sociopathic. Maybe next time something like this occurs, give an alternate assignment.
I had a similar situation. I enrolled in a chorus class, and we had to sing an ancient English folk song that, to my mind, celebrated kidnapping and rape. When I objected, I was excused from that song. However, I received an alternate assignment to write up musical analyses of 3 classical performances of my choosing, or otherwise receive an F.
I gladly accepted the alternative assignment and learned much as I wrote the analyses.
No one is forced to go to college. We go there (ideally) because we want to learn. Bigotry is not a disability to be accommodated. It is something to be overcome with education and empathy.