Malcolm X said that we (White) folks need to educate ourselves and our people.
Educating oneself is one thing; there is plenty of material out there.
Educating each other is a lot trickier. We all hear that "silence = violence" and think we can pay our debt to society by calling-out racists. But does that really do any good?
I don't know of anyone who has become anti-racist because someone called them racist. Instead, calling someone racist is more likely to make them double down so next thing you know they're LARPing insurrection in DC.
So what does work?
Communication grounded in honesty, compassion, and persuasive skills. These skills do not come naturally to most people but they can be taught and learned. Dr. Campt @thedialogguy has developed a program for this, which he calles the RACE method. Check it out ...