Looks like the police are saying one thing, family and witnesses are saying something else. Have police ever been known to protect their own? Have police who exposed wrongdoing among their ranks ever been rewarded for this?
You say lynching is not the same as murder but this is just a technical distinction. Either way, a Black person, or a person who stood up for the rights of Black people, wound up dead. with little or no repercussions to the killer. Why do White people get away with killing Black people over little or nothing? Why did police thank Kyle Rittenhouse for showing up armed, and kill John Crawford for picking up a BB gun in Walmart? Why do police encounters with Black people so often get escalated to another Black death?
Some people say, these are isolated instances, or that the victim of police violence somehow had it coming. But why are Black people 150% more likely than White people to be killed by police?