Interesting take here. I came here from the link from your article about stupid t shirts.
It can be argued that caucasian is a racist term also, since the guy who coined it thought people from the Caucausus region were a superior form of human (based on skull shape of all things!) Yet, I hear what you say about white people, wearing those embarrassing t shirts while calling 911 over some kid selling lemonade and generally stomping around hollering bumper sticker slogans and acting like they're perfect. James Baldwin said, as long as some people think they're white there's no hope for them. He was talking about this attitude of superiority and entitlement, not about skin color or ancestry.
That's why I like to call myself a Euro-mutt. It's descriptive of where most of my recent ancestors come from. (Although my DNA test revealed some interesting stuff a bit further back -- ha!!) Also, it's a snarky pushback against folks who look like me and pride themselves on their so-called racial purity -- even though Europe is one of the most hybridized regions in the world!