Interesting hypothesis here.
The higher incidence of COVID in minority communities may be related to the food deserts in those communities. Pick any major city and any neighborhood in that city; there may be several convenience stores and fast food chains within walking distance, but the nearest grocery or community garden may be several miles away. Here in Arizona, the worst outbreaks have been on the Indian reservations, where the soil is poor for gardening and the nearest grocery may be an hour's drive away -- or even more.
Fermented foods are excellent sources of probiotics if people will use them. Unfortunately, they're not a familiar part of most people's diets here in the USA, and most people won't eat something that's not familiar. On the other hand, many non-Westernized peoples use fermented foods regularly, since it's a traditional form of food preservation.
Systemic racism and unregulated capitalism are at the root of this and many other problems. Thus, as I see it, nothing short of reparations will address these problems adequately. Black communities could then use these funds for whatever they see as best -- grocery stores and other businesses, health care centers, community gardens, etc. This would be a win-win situation for everyone!