In other words, the men you refer to voted out of spite rather than out of who they think would be best to run this country.
Nice work, guys.
People talk like all or most white women voted for Little Donnie. Actually, the margin was very slim, about 3%. That means about 40 million American women of the caucasian persuasion voted for Harris. Many of us did our best to convince others to vote D, even though this effort felt like talking to someone in another Universe where the rules of reality are all different. So please put away your broad brush.
What's more, there were many irregularities in this election. There was foreign interference, vandalizing of ballot boxes in university and inner-city areas — areas likely to vote D, massive ad campaigns promoting falsehoods, etc. And due to the state of our education system, too many people don't even know how to distinguish truth from falsehood.
So please, let's put away the broad brush and the blame game. Blaming doesn't do any good anyway; it's just a distraction from the legitimate question: What to do now? Sometimes things happen just because that's the way the wind is blowing, so to speak. I believe that Little Donny got elected because, to paraphrase the words of the Joker, "What this country needs is an ENEMA!"