@ I Tykhyy:
If you don't live in the US then you don't know what's going on over here. Over here, cops are killing Black people over minor infractions that escalate out of hand because cops over here are trained to think of themselves as warriors and Black people as enemy combatants. (Don't believe me? Google police warrior training USA.)
The police murder of George Floyd has brought a lot of Black rage and grief out into the open, and many White people here are starting to see the horrors of racism in USA society. While some of us White folks have been opposing racism all along, we haven't been very effective because we haven't taken the time to listen and learn. And a great many other White folks are totally new to all this. Since we don't know what to say or how to say it, Marley K, the author of this article, says just be quiet for a while, listen and learn. That's good advice.
What's more, all too many of us White folks want to keep our eyes and ears and hearts shut and continue to pretend nothing's wrong. These are the ones saying tone it down, be patient, you're making things up, you're haters, you're racist, etc, and this really need to stop!