I got really grossed out when I saw the ADL try to write his gesture off as excitement and a touch of the 'tism.
I work in academia, a field that attracts many autistic people. I'm autistic, and some of my coworkers and the students we serve are also autistic. I've seen what autistic folks do when we get excited. We pace, dance, flap our hands, meow, etc. I have never -- ever! -- seen any of my people throw a seig heil salute. And I've never felt like doing that, either, no matter how excited I was. Never Ever!!
The ADL said it was an awkward gesture. Yeah, right. It was smooth and firm, about as awkward as Fred Astaire. It was clear that this was not his first time. He probably learned it as a wee lad, sitting on his grandparents' laps.