I didn’t say no white people care. I said most white people don’t care. How do I know? I’m white and talking to other white people about racism is an uphill battle. I see how nearly half the country voted for tRump, and a majority of white people did. I see how many people get but hurt when a Black person talks about their experience. People claim theyre not racist because they’re not conscious of their biases but it’s pretty easy for an outsider to see.
I know white people fought for the union in the civil war and marched for civil rights in the mid 20th century and showed up for the protests last summer. But these are in the minority. That’s why I qualified my statement with “most.”
You do a pretty good job defending white people, as if we need any defense. I hope you’re also doing a good job educating yourself and other white people about racism. I hope you’re doing what you can to relieve the inequities of the past and present. If you are — good on you! But no need to tell about it here. Good work speaks for itself.