Great thoughts here! I've long felt the same way.
I can't help but wonder, why are the Jews so special? There are thousands of displaced peoples in the world, and many other peoples with origin stories about a foundational deity who assigned them certain land, complete with blessings on their allies and curses on their enemies. Why doesn't the UN give them each a homeland by taking land away from neighboring peoples?
And if I saw Black people suddenly start wearing nooses, I'd be pretty grossed out. However, if someone explained its meaning I'd be like -- ok, not my cup of tea but whatever floats your boat.
Kind of like the saggy pants that were originally a symbol of solidarity with guys in prison -- who were deprived of belts because these could be used as weapons. Now it's just a fashion statement, and a very tacky one at that -- IMO.
As a survivor of multiple sexual assaults, I feel that saggy pants look rapey. But I don't bother get upset over it because I know its original meaning. I have no control over other people's attire. For my own peace of mind, I save my outrage for things that matter and things I can do something about.
Great piece -- I always appreciate your writing.