Great ideas here! Please consider working this message into a standalone post. And I'll record and publish the song below, which has been on cooking on the back eye for a while. Thanks.
Reparations by Justin Olhipi
Reparations, its the right thing to do
Reparations, cos the rent's come due
Don't worry Joe Sixpack
No one's coming for your paycheck
I'm talking 'bout the Carnegies
And the ivy universities
They're still making bundles
Out of land theft and slavery
Make them pay (pay echo)
Make them pay for all the thieving
that they're doing to this day
Reparations, it's the right thing to do
Reparations, cos the rent's come due
Money makes money
gotta let loose the seeds
So the Children of Oppressions can go
Plant their own Money Trees!
No need for bureaucracy
People know what they need
To promote the general welfare
And the Blessings of Liberty
For the People and posterity
Reparations, it's the right thing to do
Reparations, cos the rent's come due
The Day is coming
Burning like a oven
When they break the 7 seals
And Jah people are revealed
And who will recognize
What's been right before our eyes
All this time, so much time
Now it's been 400 years
And the rent's come due
Reparations, it's the right thing to do
Just think of all the benefit
For all of society
No more fear, no more tears
When justice is restored
People fight to stay afloat
A rising tide lifts every boat
And none of us are free
Till all of us are free
Reparations, it's the right thing to do
Reparations, cos the rent's come due