Granted, many people are deeply caught up in their personal and cultural survival struggles and can't see beyond that. (Although the recent immigrants you cite are not likely to be citizens and not able to vote.)
However, those of us who are lucky enough in a position to breathe and look at the bigger picture have a civic duty to do so. ("with privilege comes responsibility.") Progressives are not advocating so much for rioters and antifa (that's the Faux news narrative) as for a more just and humane society which benefits us all. Some progressive gains that we now all enjoy include social security, food and water quality standards, the highway system, the electric grid, the internet, public schools and libraries, minimum wage laws, worker protection laws, etc. People who supported these gains were voting not only their own interest, but in the interest of the country as a whole.
You suggest poor people can't afford to be concerned about climate change and other environmental issues, but climate change affects us all, especially poor people living in environmentally fragile areas. The rural people of my home state Louisiana -- especially the indigenous people -- are facing the degradation of the wetlands that they've traditionally depended on for their survival. Nationwide, inner city folks are dealing with poor air and water quality and lead residue in the soil which harms developing brains, Weather extremes of heat and cold kill people, especially poor people with no or inadequate housing.
But it's hard to think in these terms when a person is struggling with day to day survival and the media is bombarding them with scary images of civil unrest and suggesting that a vote for the outgoing administration is a vote against civil unrest. But the reason people are taking to the streets is because they feel like they can't get heard any other way. As King said, riots are the voice of the voiceless. And the reason people supported Biden was to get rid of an administration that listened only to its own base and took delight in others' suffering, and bring in someone who has indicated that he is ready to listen and work with all of us. This will do far more to restore the peace than any amount of crackdowns for "law and order."