Geez louise stay in your own lane, will ya?!?
White people presuming to tell Black people about the Black experience is never a good look. I know -- I've done the same, back when I didn't know any better. The difference is, when I got called-out on it, I didn't double down -- instead, I'm learning better and cutting the nonsense. Now, seeing how you persist in your error, I'm embarrassed to share the same skin tone with you.
FYI - there are all sorts of ways white people can give Black people reason to be wary of us. For example, calling the police on a Black neighbor can get them killed. Marginalizing a Black co-worker can undermine their ability to make a living, likewise complaining to management or Yelp about the performance of a Black service worker.
And how about those who get up in arms when the community wants to remove monuments to confederate traitors -- this sends our Black neighbors the message that they still are not safe, not while some of us long for the "good old days" of unchecked white supremacy. And these are examples just off the top of my head.
I'm not saying you do any of these things but if the shoe fits, wear it.
Instead of pontificating about Black people -- how about get a clue and listen to Black people speak of their own experiences. Not to contradict them, but to educate yourself. Only Black people can be experts on their own experiences. For the rest of us: listen, learn, and offer support.