First off, if late ter abortions are allowed only to protect the life of the mother, then the next step would be having to go to some authority, such as the court, to prove that the life of the mother is at ristk. This could take up valuable time in an emergency. And what if she's denied? What if she's denied by people who have no idea how human biology works, how pregnancy works? You know there are people out there who think that rape victims can't get pregnant, and that ectopic pregnancies can be re-implanted? Do you want people like htis making emergency health decisions for strangers?
Also, sometimes late term abortions are necessary because the fetus is non-viable. The woman's life is not directly at risk so ...?
Nobody likes abortion. It's not like going to the salon for a manicure. It's health care. Health care decisions are personal, not something that should be determined by judges, or voters, or legislators, or anyone else but those directly involved.