Cool story.
But it raises the question: was your Uncle Amang a known fraudster, convicted rapist and felon, and likely candidate for Antichrist? Or was he simply a member of the "other" people?
It's one thing to warm up to strangers. It's totally another to treat an aging and famous criminal as a blank slate.
Edit: I didn't catch at first what Elisa Mariño did. That Uncle Amang may have killed his wife. That adds a bit more texture to the story but does not compare with tR*mp's known crimes. Your family warmed up to Uncle Amang even though he may have killed Auntie Alima because they missed Cousin Angelo. Your correspondents accept tR*mp because ... what?... something something, transgender athletes?
True, tR*mp gained a tiny fraction of the Black male vote. Probably because certain men (of all colors) appreciate a good macho trash-talker, that's what I'm mostly hearing. But it looks to me like the main reason drumph got in was because many people didn't vote at all, so it's said. From where I sat, I saw evidence of misinformation overload and voter suppression. Hmmmm...
Although I'm not a Black guy so I couldn't have said it like he did, I think Fazer (above) has a great point. How about telling us about how things are going with immigrants from your country? I hear even US citizens are getting deported because they don't look right. We're all ears ...