Bingo! I was thinking the same thing!
A few decades back I fell in love with a transwoman whom I'd met online. When we met in person she gave me a heads up ahead of time that she did not look like a woman, When we met, I briefly took note of this, and then let it pass. What she looked like didn't matter to me. Her energy, her personality, was what mattered. I had no difficulty in thinking of her as a woman, using her correct pronouns (back in the '80's), the whole nine yards. But then, I'm autistic (although I didn't know this at the time) and accustomed to looking at people's souls rather than their physical appearances.
My lover had quit taking hormones because it was very hard -- even trauma-inducing -- to get them back in the '80's. By this article's reasoning, my lover was no longer a woman. But I knew, from knowing her, that she was born a woman and would always be such.