"Because.... when you mobilize a middle class of BIPOC writers to insist that their concepts of privilege are the only real argument, you create a disaffected white working class."
Nope, It's not outspoken educated Black folks and their progressive white allies who create the disaffected white working class. This is the work of the ruling class. LBJ said the quiet part out loud: "If you can convince the lowest white man that he's better than the best colored man, he won't care if you pick his pockets."
Wish I could find it again, but a while back I ran across a historical document that spoke of "white negroes" -- barely educated white folks who could perform servile work at low or no wages. These people could vote because they were white, and could be persuaded to vote in support of the ruling class because they were uneducated. This was an early statement of what later became the "southern strategy."