A Black woman defends himself with deadly force; she gets sent to jail for life. Or maybe even executed.
A rich white man dumps toxic chemicals into a river and kills entire communities, and people want to be him.
A poor kid takes his neighbor's car for a joyride; he gets max jail time and a felony record. Under the loophole in the 14A, he is enslaved at hard labor for many years, paying his debt to society many times over. Even after release, he cannot vote, and he has a hard time getting a job, an education, and a home for the rest of his life.
A rich white man defaults on his creditors, stiffs his employees, and avoids paying taxes, and he remains a pillar of the community.
An entire generation of young folks can't get a start in life because they were told that they needed a college education to survive. It didn't work out, so now they're hobbled with student loans at interest rates that multiply their debt many times over.
A CEO can declare multiple bankruptcies, buy multiple homes, and get a seat on the board of directors.
An incompetent president with the blood of millions on his hands calls for an insurrection when his term ends, and he gets immunity.
His poorly educated, brainwashed followers rot in jail for coming out of their trailer parks to carry out his orders.
I've been saying this for years, and I'll keep on saying it:
Who are the real criminals?